Winter: Building Blocks for Health and Immunity in Children
Optimal nutrition is vital to the well-being of our children, ensuring that they have the basic components necessary for good health. Making diet and lifestyle changes, even just one step at a time, can make a difference, as nutrition has the power to improve not only your overall health, but also reduce infections, improve memory and behavior. We cannot protect our children from the outside world, but we can give them the correct foundations so that they protect themselves and have a happy and satisfying future, especially during times of greater demand such as winter.
As children grow, it is important to meet their nutritional needs to help maintain healthy bones, nourish the brain and develop their immune system, especially in periods of greater vulnerability or presence of viruses and infections.
The key nutrients to consider in children are:
- Vitamins and minerals, especially Zinc to support growth and the immune system, vitamin D, vitamin C and Calcium.
- Essential fatty acids to support brain development and manage inflammatory processes (Omega 3)
- Probiotic Supplements from live microorganisms that naturally live in the intestine and promote digestion and immunity (defenses)
Health institutions recommend daily supplementation of vitamins A, C and D in infants who are breastfed. Live microorganism supplements are an excellent complement for BIOFLORA infants, especially if they are fed artificial milk formula and we want to encourage the development of beneficial bacteria in their intestine. In the case of preschoolers and schoolchildren, it is recommended to complement their diet (especially if there is a deficiency) with a supplement of vitamins and minerals , OMEGA CARE essential fatty acids and MINDLINX POWDER live microorganisms. (See Children's Pack)
Winter challenges
When winter arrives, we can ensure that we provide our children with the necessary tools to face this stage of the year, supporting their immunity and defenses, preventing the spread of harmful viruses and bacteria.
Immunity is the way our body defends itself against viruses and bacteria. Did you know that the most important thing to support your children's immunity is to take care of and repopulate their intestinal bacteria? Children are very prone to upper respiratory tract infections, which include otitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and the common cold. Certain factors such as stress, poor sleep, nutritional deficiencies and low diversity of intestinal bacteria can make them even more vulnerable.
Exposure to certain germs is necessary for the development of children's immune systems. Let them stay curious, playful and spend time outdoors in contact with the earth and its insects. This will be vital to promote healthy immune development, knowing when to fight an aggressive agent and ignore exposure to common allergens or viruses. When our immune system is poorly programmed, it can be reactive to common allergens and cause fever, asthma and eczema.
We can take steps to support our children by providing beneficial bacteria for their intestine by starting a daily dose of probiotic supplements which will help us keep harmful viruses and bacteria at bay, and strengthen their immune system.
Other nutrients that can help prevent infections in children are those that strengthen the intestinal barrier (especially vitamin A) and stimulate the activity of immune cells. Vitamin D enhances the response against a variety of invaders and inhibits the potential development of autoimmunity by regulating immune activation and antigen presentation. It also has anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects, further supporting the immune system. In fact, children with low levels of vitamin D experience a longer duration of infection and deficiency has been linked to frequent tonsillitis. A study showed that a dose of 300 IU per day of vitamin D in children decreased the risk of developing acute respiratory tract infections during the winter. Zinc increases the action of immune cells and vitamin C is key to the management and duration of infectious symptoms.
Let's not forget the properties of "essential" fats, especially omega-3s that are so important for brain function and mood. The body cannot produce these fats and they must be obtained from the diet. Fish oils in particular provide high levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These are particularly important for eye health, memory, mood and behavior. Its anti-inflammatory effects potentially support a variety of conditions, from obesity to asthma.
Did you know that unbalanced gut bacteria or leaky gut can also affect children's attention, behavior, and mood? This is because the beneficial bacteria in our gut can interact with the production of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are essential for mood and behavior. In fact, some research has shown that low diversity and variety of gut bacteria have a direct influence on a child's ability to sit still, listen to instructions, and concentrate on assigned tasks.
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