How to Choose the Best Probiotic Supplements?
It is known that intestinal bacteria are really important for our health. However, there is an overwhelming variety of probiotic "live bacteria" products on the market, and not all are created equal in terms of quality or effectiveness. So how do you choose one that provides the best possible effect? Here are some key tips to help you make the right decision…
BioAcidophilus 10 Billion BioAcidophilus Forte 30 Billion
Choose a live bacteria product that is:
Safe : Make sure the live bacteria product contains human strains with an excellent safety record. Just remember, you are taking “bacteria” after all!
Our bacteria are safe for anyone, we only use strains with excellent safety records in clinical trials and that live in the human intestine naturally.
Stable and guaranteed potency : Live bacteria need to remain stable and reach where they are required. You don't need specially coated capsules, just resistant bacteria, with guaranteed potency until the end of their shelf life.
Our live bacteria products have guaranteed potency until the end of their useful life. They remain stable while stored, ensuring you get what you need and they remain stable in your gut.
Pure : Choose a product without unnecessary ingredients or allergens, especially one that is dairy-free (many live bacteria products do). Our products are simple and simple formulations, they contain only the ingredients you really need and without common allergens, such as dairy*, and therefore, they are suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
*with the exception of our Baby BioFlora product.
Symbiotic: This means that they contain prebiotic dietary fibers such as "fructooligosaccharides" (FOS) or inulin, to feed the good bacteria and increase their effectiveness.
Flexible : Make sure it comes in an easy-to-take format, for example, in powder form for babies or children. There is no point in having a great product if it is not used. We have the correct live bacteria product for everyone, adults, children, babies, and pregnant women, with different potencies and formats such as capsules and powders.
But above all, make sure it works! The more strains, the better… surely? Of course not! It is not possible for us to reproduce the diversity of bacteria that inhabit the human intestine, so modern multi-strain products, which include many different bacteria, may not be useful at all. We can't be sure how they work together and whether we're just diluting the truly useful ones and wasting money.
Likewise, having a really high number of bacteria may not be significant, if they are not the most effective types. The important thing is to use exactly the right bacteria, in the right amount to get a real health effect and that requires real experience. Our products have been chosen by healthcare professionals for 30 years, designed by the UK's top probiotic researchers, used in clinical trials and successfully recommended by doctors to their patients. We use only the right types of bacteria, in the right amounts for maximum effect.
For daily use, choose our 10 billion Bioacidophilus, with our clinically proven combination of LAB4 bacteria. It does not need refrigeration and comes in capsules.
For a higher dose, choose BioAcidophilus Forte , an incredible 30 trillion LAB4 bacteria in a single capsule.
For kids, you can try our 2 Billion Potency Strawberry Bioacidophilus or 16 Billion Potency Mindlinx Powder, both powdered bacteria supplements that dissolve in water or cold liquids and taste great.
For use during pregnancy, our BioFlora contains LAB4B as used in the Swansea Baby trial. This product is also suitable for babies from the day of birth.
We strive to provide the most effective live bacteria for every person.
Nutritionist Valeria Riquelme V.
Extract translated and adapted from BioCare UK
Estimada Marciel, buen día.
Por la etapa que estas viviendo, te recomiendo iniciar nuestro Bioacidohilus Forte de 30 billones de potencia para fortalecer tu sistema inmune, apoyar la respuesta metabólica, función hormonal y estado de ánimo. En esta etapa es fundamental el aporte de Vitamina D, te recomiendo nuestra D3K2 y un excelente complemento sería nuestro suplementos de ácidos grasos esenciales Omega Care líquido.
Recuerda que estas son recomendaciones generales, siendo muy importante evaluar cada caso de forma personalizada. Puedes escribirnos a nutricion@biocarechile.cl
Saludos cordiales
Estimada Romy, buen día.
Según tus descripciones, en el caso de tu madre, te recomendaría iniciar el probiótico Mindlinx Powder con glutamina para restaurar su función y pared intestinal, mejorando salud digestiva, aportando al sistema inmune y función metabólica. Esto último, respecto a tu hígado graso, en el cual es fundamental controlar el consumo de azúcar, fructosa y carbohidratos en general, procurando bajar la inflamación crónica para lo cual, un suplemento de omega 3 es un excelente alternativa.
En tu caso, fundamental iniciar magnesio para apoyar función digestiva y niveles de insulina, cromo como alternativa para manejo del metabolismo de carbohidratos y grasas y Bioacidophilus forte de 30 billones para función intestinal y estreñimiento.
Recuerda que estas son recomendaciones generales, siendo muy importante evaluar cada caso de forma personalizada. Puedes escribirnos a nutricion@biocarechile.cl
Saludos cordiales
Buenas tardes junto con saludar, me llamo Maricel Rojas y quisiera consultar cual será el mejor Biocare para mi, tengo 46 años hace 7 años que tengo menopausia y esta etapa no a sido muy buena a causa de esto subi de peso por las hormonas y me dio hipertensión, quisiera saber cual de estos podrían ayudarme a aumentar mis defensas y poder bajar de peso, porque se que teniendo mi intestino sano podré hacer dietas y tomar Vitaminas para la memoria ya que con la menopausia me cuesta retener información mi doctor me dio hormonas pero estas me hacen muy mal
Agradeciendo me pueda ayudar me despido.
Maricel Rojas.
Pasa mi madre que tiene higado graso y diverticulos, tiene 79 años, cual seria el indicado y para mi con 55 años y subi mucho de peso durante la pandemia y con problemas de estreñimiento.
Respecto a tu comentario sobre Acné e Hipertiroidismo, te comento que en ambos casos se puede consumir suplementos probióticos. Sin embargo, es importante poder evaluar el contexto de forma personalizada (tomar en cuenta estilo de vida, medicamentos, tipo de alimentación, entre otros) y realizar una recomendación integral. Te invitamos a escribir directamente a nutricion@biocarechile.cl para que nuestro equipo de profesionales pueda orientarte.